
1            ARTICLE I:  Name and Purpose

1.1        Section 1 - Name 

The name of this Club shall be the Swedesford Garden Club.

1.2        Section 2 - Purpose 

The purpose of this Club shall be to further our garden knowledge, increase the beauty of our immediate community, and encourage and support environmental improvement.

2            ARTICLE II:  Membership

2.1        Section 1 - Members 

Membership in the Swedesford Garden Club is open to all regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or religious affiliation.  The membership shall consist of gardeners who share the philosophy of the Club as set forth in Article I, Section 2, of the Constitution and adhere to the rules on membership as set forth in Article II, Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4.


Members are encouraged to have a garden or plants and should participate in at least two (2) of the agenda activities.

2.2        Section 2 - Guests 

 Garden Club guests may attend no more than three (3) meetings per year.

2.3        Section 3 - Application 

 New membership applications must be given to the Membership Chair, or person acting in that role.

2.4        Section 4 - Renewals

Any former member wishing to renew membership shall follow the procedure on new members as stated in Article II, Section 3.

3            ARTICLE III:  Selection of Officers

3.1        Section 1 – Officers



3.1.1   Section 1a – Executive Committee


    The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:


    First Vice President

    Second Vice President/Program Chair




3.1.2   Section 1b – Board of Directors 

    The Executive Committee and the Chairs of committees shall constitute the Board of Directors.

3.2        Section 2 - Nominations


Nominations of officers shall take place in the following manner:

A. The president shall appoint a Nominating Chair in April who in turn shall select a Nominating Committee.             

B. A slate of nominated Club members shall be presented to the membership.  Additional nominations shall be made from the general membership. 

C. A majority vote will elect the officer.  In the event that no majority vote is received by any one nominee, then the nominee with the fewest votes will be eliminated and another ballot will be taken. 

D.    Installation of the elected officers will take place in June.  A term of office shall be for two (2) years.

3.3        Section 3 - Term


 Officers may serve two (2) years and not more than two (2) terms in succession.

3.4        Section 4 – Absences


3.4.1   Section 4a – Absences 


    The First Vice President will serve as temporary President in the absence of the President.


3.4.2   Section 4b – Absences


    The Second Vice President will serve as temporary President in the absence of the President and the           First Vice President.

3.5         Section 5 - Disclaimer

No officer of this Club, nor member of the Executive Committee shall be personally liable for monetary damages as such for any action taken, or any failure to take action unless that member has broken or failed to perform the duties of her office, and unless such breach or failure to perform constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct, or recklessness.

4            ARTICLE IV - Duties of the Officers

4.1        Section 1 - President


The President will assume leadership of the Club, preside at all meetings and appoint chair of those committees who do not have an elected Board Chairship.

4.2        Section 2 – First Vice President


The First Vice President shall work closely with the President and shall serve as temporary President in her absence.

4.3        Section 3 – Second Vice President/Programs Chair


The Second Vice President/Programs Chair shall plan and organize the subject matter of the monthly meeting.  She shall serve as temporary President in the absence of the President and 1st Vice President.


Programs Assistants shall aid and assist the Second Vice President/Programs Chair in her duties.

4.4        Section 4 - Secretary


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and handle correspondence. All correspondence is handled by the Secretary. Any such information is to be passed to the President to make an announcement to the membership.

4.5        Section 5 – Treasurer


The Treasurer shall be in charge of all monies received and paid out. The Treasurer handles the application and collection of fees. She knows the complete status of membership. The Treasurer sends all monies and required forms to the district. The Treasurer sends all new member information to the Yearbook Chair for updating of the yearbook.

4.6        Section 6 - Publicity/Historian


The Publicity/Historian shall be in charge of providing notices of public meetings to local publications, printed or online and the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania or District website as appropriate.  Photos and publicity about the club may be retained for historical purposes.  She shall be responsible for keeping up to date the Club scrapbook including photos and newspaper clippings from Club meetings and functions.

4.7        Section 7 – Hospitality


The Hospitality Chair shall be responsible for obtaining hostesses and co-hostesses and providing paper products and beverages for each regularly scheduled meeting.

4.8        Section 8 - Members At Large


Member at large shall attend all Executive Committee Meetings.

4.9        Section 9 - Ways & Means


The Ways & Means Chair, or other designated representative(s) shall oversee club fund raisers.  The individual shall oversee all Club fund raisers.  The individual shall appoint people to assist with the different projects.

5            ARTICLE V - Meetings

5.1        Section 1 – Schedule


Regular meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each month during the club calendar year unless designated otherwise and agreed to by a majority of members.

5.2        Section 2 – Location


Programs and workshops shall be held at our regular meeting place unless designated otherwise.

5.3        Section 3 – Executive


5.3.1   Section 3a – Board Meetings

The Executive Committee shall hold at least three (3) meetings during the year and when the need arises.


5.3.2   Section 3b – Executive Committee Meetings


The Executive Committee shall meet when the need arises.


6            ARTICLE VI – Dues

6.1        Section 1 – Members


A change in the annual dues shall be determined by the board and approved by one-third vote of the total membership. The dues shall be collected such that State and District deadlines are met and club budget can be defined.


6.1.1   Section 2a – New Members


New members shall pay dues upon acceptance of membership application.  Guests wishing to become members after January 31st may join the club for half the annual dues.

7            ARTICLE VII – Modifications

7.1        Section 1 – Constitution


This constitution may be modified at any time by a one-third vote of the total active membership.


       Standing Rule No.1 - Bereavement/Illness:


1.    A card may be sent to  members when it is known that they or an immediate family member are ill or going through difficult times.

2.    A condolence gift may be sent to the family of a deceased member or to a member suffering the loss of a child or spouse.

3.    A card may be sent to any member who lost, through death, a child, parent, and/or spouse.