Projects and Fundraisers
Harvest Home Thanksgiving Basket – long-time program
Harvest Home Thanksgiving Basket – long-time program
At Thanksgiving time, the club works through the Children’s Clinic of the Abington-Lansdale Hospital to help a needy family. Club members donate a bountiful Thanksgiving “basket” of non-perishable food, gift certificates and fresh Thanksgiving dinner ingredients to help the family enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner.
At Thanksgiving time, the club works through the Children’s Clinic of the Abington-Lansdale Hospital to help a needy family. Club members donate a bountiful Thanksgiving “basket” of non-perishable food, gift certificates and fresh Thanksgiving dinner ingredients to help the family enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner.
North Wales Area Library Gardens – since 2010
North Wales Area Library Gardens – since 2010
The club helps maintain and contributes to the gardens at the North Wales Area Library from spring through fall. Recent activities included donating mulch and the planning and planting of 300 donated spring bulbs.
The club helps maintain and contributes to the gardens at the North Wales Area Library from spring through fall. Recent activities included donating mulch and the planning and planting of 300 donated spring bulbs.
June 2021 - Volunteer Gardening at North Wales Area Library
June 2021 - Volunteer Gardening at North Wales Area Library
North Wales Area Library Winter Gala and Autumn and Spring Teas - Flower Arrangements – since 2014
North Wales Area Library Winter Gala and Autumn and Spring Teas - Flower Arrangements – since 2014
For the library “Tea” fund-raising events, club members purchase flowers and design table arrangements fitting in with the theme of the event. After the event, the library sells the arrangements to add to their profits. Multiple club members participate in creating the flower arrangements for each event.
For the library “Tea” fund-raising events, club members purchase flowers and design table arrangements fitting in with the theme of the event. After the event, the library sells the arrangements to add to their profits. Multiple club members participate in creating the flower arrangements for each event.
Club members create Valentine mug arrangements for the Library Tea fundraiser.
Club members create Valentine mug arrangements for the Library Tea fundraiser.
North Wales Firehouse Garden – long-time community project
North Wales Firehouse Garden – long-time community project
The club maintains the memorial urns at the North Wales Firehouse honoring volunteer firemen who have lost their lives. Through the change of seasons, members participate by planting seasonal annuals, weeding and watering.
The club maintains the memorial urns at the North Wales Firehouse honoring volunteer firemen who have lost their lives. Through the change of seasons, members participate by planting seasonal annuals, weeding and watering.
Flower Arrangements for Local Nursing Facility
Flower Arrangements for Local Nursing Facility
Periodically club members create floral arrangements for a local nursing facility to brighten the living quarters for residents. This activity might be part of a scheduled holiday or seasonal workshop program or a separate volunteer activity.
Periodically club members create floral arrangements for a local nursing facility to brighten the living quarters for residents. This activity might be part of a scheduled holiday or seasonal workshop program or a separate volunteer activity.
The Swedesford Garden club is a non-profit organization. We hold several fund-raising events during the year to help support community and meeting activities.
The Swedesford Garden club is a non-profit organization. We hold several fund-raising events during the year to help support community and meeting activities.
Annual Plant Sale
Annual Plant Sale
The annual ‘Plant Sale’ is the largest fund raiser for the club. For sale are a large variety of plants along with some ‘yard sale’ items. Members pot perennials from their gardens and grow annuals, herbs and summer vegetables for the sale. Some purchased plants are also contributed. The club often makes flower arrangements which are popular items on what is traditionally a Mother’s Day weekend sale.
The annual ‘Plant Sale’ is the largest fund raiser for the club. For sale are a large variety of plants along with some ‘yard sale’ items. Members pot perennials from their gardens and grow annuals, herbs and summer vegetables for the sale. Some purchased plants are also contributed. The club often makes flower arrangements which are popular items on what is traditionally a Mother’s Day weekend sale.
May 2022 at the North Wales Area Library
May 2022 at the North Wales Area Library
Member Plant Sale
Member Plant Sale
During the winter months, club members donate houseplants, summer bulbs, and dried plant materials to sell to other members and guests that may be present at the meeting. Items are reasonably priced to provide bargains.
During the winter months, club members donate houseplants, summer bulbs, and dried plant materials to sell to other members and guests that may be present at the meeting. Items are reasonably priced to provide bargains.
Vision of Beauty Calendar Sale
Vision of Beauty Calendar Sale
Club members order the GCFP sponsored Vision of Beauty Calendars each year. A portion of the calendar price goes toward the club fund raising.
Club members order the GCFP sponsored Vision of Beauty Calendars each year. A portion of the calendar price goes toward the club fund raising.
GCFP Seed Money Award
GCFP Seed Money Award
The Ways and Means committee has been granted the GCFP Seed Money award on several occasions. In 2018 - 2019 the award money was donated to the North Wales Area Library to support the cost of a renowned speaker for a teenoriented program.
The Ways and Means committee has been granted the GCFP Seed Money award on several occasions. In 2018 - 2019 the award money was donated to the North Wales Area Library to support the cost of a renowned speaker for a teenoriented program.
District Meeting Sale
District Meeting Sale
The GCFP District XI meetings occasionally include the opportunity for the member clubs to sell garden related items to raise club funds. The Swedesford garden club participated in the activity as part of our fund-raising activities.
The GCFP District XI meetings occasionally include the opportunity for the member clubs to sell garden related items to raise club funds. The Swedesford garden club participated in the activity as part of our fund-raising activities.
North Wales Area Library Holiday Bazaar
North Wales Area Library Holiday Bazaar
The North Wales Area Library hosts a Holiday Bazaar in November for crafters and vendors to sell their wares. The event is a fundraiser for the library as well as the vendors. The Swedesford Garden Club offers a large variety of garden-related, Holiday-themed and miscellaneous items donated by club members.
The North Wales Area Library hosts a Holiday Bazaar in November for crafters and vendors to sell their wares. The event is a fundraiser for the library as well as the vendors. The Swedesford Garden Club offers a large variety of garden-related, Holiday-themed and miscellaneous items donated by club members.